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Chef Harry
Jun 28, 20213 min read
Summer is Here so Let's Check in With How The Garden's Growing
It’s time for another update because let me tell you a lot has happened since the warm weather came and things took off! After the late...

Chef Harry
Apr 27, 20217 min read
Continue to Grow: Gardening In My New State and What's Growing in My 2021 Garden
Let’s talk about plants, and more specifically gardening and what I’m growing this year! Gardening has always been an important activity...

Chef Harry
Mar 30, 20215 min read
Falling for a New Flour, Why I'm Loving Janie's Mill
You already know I love a good small business. I also love local or as close to me as possible to reduce transportation. Moving to Saint...

Chef Harry
Feb 10, 20212 min read
Another Day, Another Lacto-Ferment
Another lacto ferment in the books. This time I had a little fun and played with the ingredients. I didn’t like having to pick the...

Chef Harry
Feb 2, 20212 min read
Don't Let Them Go! Save That Zest and Juice!
Living through this pandemic has been interesting. Typically I go out to grocery shop once or twice a week depending on what I need and...

Chef Harry
Jan 7, 20213 min read
Sweet Suet for the Wintering Birdies
I love birds. They are such an interesting animal and that's partly due to the fact flying is so cool and freeing. Like imagine you could...

Chef Harry
Dec 16, 20205 min read
Sticky and Sweet and So Good to Eat! Let's Talk About Honey!
Oh honey. If you know me, you know I have an obsession with honey. It's always been a nice sweetener to use growing up, then in college...

Chef Harry
Dec 13, 20205 min read
I Make Candles! And You Can Too!!
Do you like candles? Personally I love them. I love making my space smell good. I don't know if it's true but I feel like during the...

Chef Harry
Dec 7, 20204 min read
Use Those Citrus Peels and Candy Them for a Great Treat or Ingredient!
Do you like candied orange or lemon peels? I find many don't but personally they are a nice little treat, especially if you like citrus...

Chef Harry
Nov 21, 20202 min read
Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar: Finally at the End
First let's go back in time to September when this all started. I went apple picking, making a ton of apple things, and had a lot of...

Chef Harry
Oct 11, 20202 min read
Natural Cold Busting, Immunity Booster Shots
I hate getting sick. As a chef I have to be very cautious to make sure I don't get sick or if I do I have to step back from my work and...

Chef Harry
Sep 27, 20203 min read
Don't Throw Away Those Apple Peels!! Here's How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar
I really try to do something with what many would just throw out. We are dealing with a lot in this world and having simple skills like...

Chef Harry
Aug 25, 20203 min read
Joining a CSA and Helping Your Local Farmers
I love CSAs. First off let me break down what it is. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. In it's original terms, multiple...

Chef Harry
May 16, 20209 min read
Herbs 101: Storage and Drying
Herbs are amazing. I love using both fresh and dry herbs in everything I make. There are some staples that I go back to consistently and...

Chef Harry
Mar 22, 20207 min read
Composting Simply: a Guide to Reducing Your Impact
Composting is not as scary as people think, and it's not smelly. I started composting a couple years ago when I moved back to California....
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