This time of year you see a lot of pumpkin popping up in recipes. Sometimes you open a can of pumpkin but only need part of the can and now you have left over pumpkin and need something to do with it or else it goes bad. When this happens to me I make treats for the pups in my life. This originally started off as just making it at random and by feel but I have made a recipe to help others recreate this treat. It's simple, easy, mix by hand, and only has 4 ingredients. It's also gluten free and helps combat bad breathe which my dog has always needed help with.
If you don't have enough puree for this recipe you can still make it with less corn flour needed. The amount of cinnamon is also based on what you may need, I stay with the higher end for the most benefits. Once these are made you can keep them in the fridge and feed them as a treat or freeze them and take them out when you need more!

Pumpkin Pup Treats
350g Pumpkin Puree
1 ea Egg
1-2 tbsp Cinnamon
150g Corn Flour
1. !n a medium sized bowl, combine all ingredients and mix with a spatula until uniform in color.
2. Scoop the dough into tablespoon sized pieces and place onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Press each slightly to make a small puck.
3. Bake in a 350°F for about 15-20 minutes until slightly dried.
4. Allow to cool before storing.